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Declaration of consent

Having read the information brief

POLICY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO ART. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”): The personal data collected through this Web page shall be processed in print and electronic format for the following purposes:
a) to fulfil your request for information regarding our products or resellers;
b) to send information and commercial communications, including of a promotional nature (including our newsletter), advertisements and/or offers of products and services, by any medium (including any medium yet to be discovered), including, without limitation, post, the Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS video messaging and SMS text messaging, etc.
For the purposes set out in point a), you must provide your data in order for us to be able to fulfil your request for information, and your refusal to do so could make it impossible for us to comply, whereas providing your data for the purposes set out in point b) is optional and your refusal will not have any consequences in respect of the purposes set out in point a). Your data shall be processed by internal personnel, shall be disclosed to authorised parties only and shall not be disseminated. You may exercise the rights set out in Article 7 in respect of the data provided by sending a specific written request to the Data Controller: Banfi S.r.l. - Località Castello di Poggio alle Mura snc - 53024 Montalcino (SI) Italy, for the attention of the management.

Declaration of consent

Having read the information brief

POLICY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO ART. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”): The personal data collected through this Web page shall be processed in print and electronic format for the following purposes:
a) to fulfil your request for information regarding our products or resellers;
b) to send information and commercial communications, including of a promotional nature (including our newsletter), advertisements and/or offers of products and services, by any medium (including any medium yet to be discovered), including, without limitation, post, the Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS video messaging and SMS text messaging, etc.
For the purposes set out in point a), you must provide your data in order for us to be able to fulfil your request for information, and your refusal to do so could make it impossible for us to comply, whereas providing your data for the purposes set out in point b) is optional and your refusal will not have any consequences in respect of the purposes set out in point a). Your data shall be processed by internal personnel, shall be disclosed to authorised parties only and shall not be disseminated. You may exercise the rights set out in Article 7 in respect of the data provided by sending a specific written request to the Data Controller: Banfi S.r.l. - Località Castello di Poggio alle Mura snc - 53024 Montalcino (SI) Italy, for the attention of the management.

Declaration of consent

Having read the information brief

POLICY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO ART. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”): The personal data collected through this Web page shall be processed in print and electronic format for the following purposes:
a) to fulfil your request for information regarding our products or resellers;
b) to send information and commercial communications, including of a promotional nature (including our newsletter), advertisements and/or offers of products and services, by any medium (including any medium yet to be discovered), including, without limitation, post, the Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS video messaging and SMS text messaging, etc.
For the purposes set out in point a), you must provide your data in order for us to be able to fulfil your request for information, and your refusal to do so could make it impossible for us to comply, whereas providing your data for the purposes set out in point b) is optional and your refusal will not have any consequences in respect of the purposes set out in point a). Your data shall be processed by internal personnel, shall be disclosed to authorised parties only and shall not be disseminated. You may exercise the rights set out in Article 7 in respect of the data provided by sending a specific written request to the Data Controller: Banfi S.r.l. - Località Castello di Poggio alle Mura snc - 53024 Montalcino (SI) Italy, for the attention of the management.

Declaration of consent

Having read the information brief

POLICY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO ART. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”): The personal data collected through this Web page shall be processed in print and electronic format for the following purposes:
a) to fulfil your request for information regarding our products or resellers;
b) to send information and commercial communications, including of a promotional nature (including our newsletter), advertisements and/or offers of products and services, by any medium (including any medium yet to be discovered), including, without limitation, post, the Internet, telephone, e-mail, MMS video messaging and SMS text messaging, etc.
For the purposes set out in point a), you must provide your data in order for us to be able to fulfil your request for information, and your refusal to do so could make it impossible for us to comply, whereas providing your data for the purposes set out in point b) is optional and your refusal will not have any consequences in respect of the purposes set out in point a). Your data shall be processed by internal personnel, shall be disclosed to authorised parties only and shall not be disseminated. You may exercise the rights set out in Article 7 in respect of the data provided by sending a specific written request to the Data Controller: Banfi S.r.l. - Località Castello di Poggio alle Mura snc - 53024 Montalcino (SI) Italy, for the attention of the management.

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Музей Стекла и Бутылки
"John F. Mariani"



Музей Стекла и Бутылки

Музей стекла и бутылки имени Джона Ф. Мариани, находится в средневековом замке XIV века Поджио алле Мура, теперь известного как Кастелло Банфи. Экспозиция начинается с иллюстрации превратностей производства стекла в истории, начиная с пятого века до н.э. и по сей день. Выставка охватывает наверное наиболее интересные стеклянные предметы древнего Рима, что, по мнению критиков, является одной из крупнейших частных коллекций в мире.

Музей Стекла и Бутылки

Среди исторических стен замка, на месте старой конюшни и маслобойни, где до сих пор сохранилась оригинальная техника 1857г, были умело расположены выставочные залы, посвященные истории стекла и эволюции бутылки. В этих залах выставленны коллекции антикварных винных бутылок, венецианские бокалы, а также современные венецианские изделия, в том числе одна из работ Пабло Пикассо.

Музей Стекла и Бутылки

Красивая коллекция римского стекла начинается с небольших предметов V и IV вв до н.э., и продолжается небольшими стеклянными вазами I и IIвв. И заканчивается бутылками и кувшинами из выдувного стекла IV и V вв. Некоторые экземпляры недавно были отреставрованны в лаборатории стекла в Сан Джованни Вальдарно, в Ареццо, после чего к ним былую прелесть и характерные блики стекла.

Музей Стекла и Бутылки

Среди венецианских работ, которые удивляют своими оттенками и утонченной структурой, выделяются работы, созданные с плетеным узором 16-го века и большая чаша 16-го века с элементами из латуни, приобретенная Фондом Банфи, для улучшения коллекции и превращения ее в еще более интересную для посетителей музея.


Время работы музея

Everyday 10 AM - 7.30 PM